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How involved are you during the construction phase?

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The construction phase of your home is as important as the design; it's where your vision truly comes to life.

The construction phase is the practical application of all the planning and designing that has been done for your residential extension or new build home. It's where the blueprints are turned into bricks and mortar, where the vision becomes reality. The role of an Architect during this phase is often questioned. Some believe that once the design is completed, the Architect's job is done. However, in reality, the Architect's involvement can be crucial during the construction phase to ensure the design is accurately translated into the built form.

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Overall, the level of an Architect's involvement during the construction phase can vary greatly based on the client's needs and preferences. Whether it's a hands-on or hands-off approach, the Architect's role is crucial in ensuring that the design is accurately translated into the built form. Not only does this involve overseeing the construction process and resolving any issues, but it also involves ensuring that the home being built is a unique reflection of the client's ambitions and values. The construction phase is where the vision becomes reality, and the Architect plays a key role in making that happen.


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The level of involvement of an Architect during the construction phase can vary based on the specific needs and preferences of the client. Some clients prefer the Architect to be hands-on, overseeing every detail of the construction process to ensure that the built home accurately reflects the design. In such cases, the Architect might regularly visit the construction site, work closely with the builders, and provide solutions to any issues that might arise during construction.

On the other hand, some clients might prefer a more hands-off approach from the Architect, relying on the builders to interpret the design. In such cases, the Architect might only be involved in key stages of the construction process, such as reviewing the progress at various milestones and ensuring the work is in line with the design.

In either case, the Architect serves as a bridge between the design and construction teams, ensuring that the design intent is maintained throughout the construction process. This involves interpreting the design for the builders, resolving any discrepancies between the design and construction, and ensuring that the final built form is a true reflection of the design.

The Architect's involvement during the construction phase is not just about overseeing the builders or solving construction issues. It's also about ensuring that the home being built is a unique reflection of the client's ambitions and values. This could involve selecting the right materials that align with the client's values, or incorporating bespoke design elements that reflect the client's unique personality.

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