What is the usual timeline for the design process?
Picture this: you're ready to transform your home, but you're unsure about the timeline of the architectural design process.
Understanding the timeline of the architectural design process can be a bit like trying to navigate a maze. You know you want to get from the idea of a project to the finished product, but how long does that actually take? It's a common question and one that deserves a clear answer. The process is divided into several stages, each with its own timeline, and knowing these stages can make the journey less daunting and more exciting.
So, to answer the question, the typical timeline for the architectural design process can be anywhere from nine months to over a year, depending on the project's complexity. This timeline includes the initial consultation, concept design, detailed design, planning and building regulations, tendering, and construction. Remember, each project is unique and the timeline can vary, but having a general understanding of the process can help set expectations and make the journey from idea to finished home a lot smoother.
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The design process for residential extensions and new build homes typically begins with the initial consultation and brief. This is where you, the client, meet with the Architect to discuss your ideas, needs, and budget. This stage can last anywhere from one to two weeks. Next, the Architect will begin creating concept designs, which can take up to four weeks. These concepts will be based on your initial brief and will be a reflection of your ambitions and values, making your home truly unique.
Once the concept designs are approved, the Architect will move onto the detailed design stage. This involves refining the concept designs and adding in the technical details. This stage can take between six to eight weeks. Following this, the Architect will prepare planning and building regulation drawings, which can take another four to six weeks.
The next stage is tendering, where the Architect will help you find a suitable builder for your project. This process can take up to six weeks. Once a builder has been chosen, construction can begin. The length of the construction stage will depend on the complexity of the project but can generally take anywhere from six months to a year.